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                Cellphones, social networks make eavesdropping OK?

David Smith has heard — or rather overheard — it all while on planes, including the sexual details of a stranger's hookup at a business meeting.
"It feels like you're eavesdropping, but in another sense, you're forced to share something that falls under the heading of 'too much information,' " says Smith, 54, of Austin, a retired consultant and frequent business traveler.

A century ago, when the first home phones were "party lines" shared by neighbors, "worrying you were being listened in on was a common feature of American culture," says sociologist Claude Fischer of the University of California-Berkeley.

Oh, how times have changed.
Now, we're not only unconcerned about overheard phone calls, we purposely broadcast our personal business to large groups of "friends" and "followers" on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.